From Pastor Ken

Summer Worship Schedule
Starts Sunday, June 2
One Service – 9:00am

June 2 – Indoor
June 9 – Indoor
June 16 – Outside
June 23 – Indoor
June 30 – Outside

July 7 – Indoor
July 14 – Outside
July 21 – Indoor
July 28 – Outside

August 4 – Indoor
August 11 – Outside
August 18 – Indoor
August 25 Outside (Picnic)

Outdoor Worship Set-up & Take-down. If you are available during the summer to help set-up/take-down outdoor worship, please contact Lisa.

Our Youth Mission Trip is June 2-6. We will commission our group during our first summer worship service, Sunday June 2. See p. 5 for more information.

Sabbath Rest
Our Lord reminds us that we need time to rest. Summer can be such a time. For students, it’s summer vacation. For families, it’s a time to travel. If you are away for the weekend, remember to find a place to worship. If you’re camping, bring your bible. We can give you the Sunday readings ahead of time so you can tune-in even when you are away.

Summer Sabbatical
I will be taking a ½ sabbatical this summer, July 4 – August 15. We have a great line up of pastors in my absence, so be sure to attend.

Vacation Bible School is July 22 – 26. See page 3 for additional information.
Invite a friend!

Crossways Bible Study
Coming this Fall!
Tuesday Evenings
Do you want to read the whole bible?
Join me as we work our way through the scripture in 2 years. We will meet on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00p Sept. 3 – Dec. 16. Then, Jan. 6 – May 27 with a break for Lent. Materials are $110 for 60 sessions ($2/class). This includes 6 manuals, 6 student books, and biblical timeline. Sign-up in the Fellowship Hall.

From Andrew Koetsier, Youth and Family Ministries Director

Greetings BFLC Family!
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’ -Isaiah 6:8

We are looking forward to our Youth Mission Trip to Denver June 2-6. We hope you can join us on Sunday
morning, June 2nd at the worship service as we send them off with prayer. Please see below for a little bit
more about our trip and how you can pray for us!

In His Grace,
Andrew Koetsier

Upcoming Activities/Reminders:
June 2-7: Denver Youth Mission Trip (no youth group on Wednesday, June 5th)
June 19, 5:30-6:30pm: Youth Bluegrass Band- Bob Ucman is helping us form a small group of youth bluegrass guitar players. We will meet 3-5 times this summer. This will be available for approximately ages
10+. Contact Andrew for more information and stay tuned for more details.
June 19 and June 26– No Youth Group (Andrew on vacation)

Save the Date
July 21-26- VBS Day (Pre-K-Elementary) and Night (Middle School/High School) Camps. Registration starts
June 9.
Wednesday, July 31– Elitch Gardens Day (Denver)
Sunday, August 11– Colorado Rockies Faith Day 2024: Rockies-Braves and Zach Williams Concert

Denver Mission Trip
Our Team
Youth: Cameron Gaetano, Brian Gould, Hannah Joiner, Audrey Koetsier, Alex Lacomia, Clara, Eleanor &
Lillian Makowsky, Alysha Snyder, Emma Webb, Jason & Jenna Yonce.
Adult Leaders: Karina Isley, Andrew Koetsier, Christine Makowsky, Barb Richardson

What we will be doing: we will be partnering with three different service organizations (Brothers
Redevelopment, Arc Thrift, The Action Center) in the city, helping with projects ranging from painting and light
home repair to assisting with food & clothing donation centers.

  • Pray that we would be open to whatever God our team in this trip; may His will be done
  • Pray that our words and actions would reflect the heart of Jesus
  • Pray for eyes to see how we can use our words, hands, and feet to bless those we encounter and serve
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would equip us with what we need to accomplish the tasks in front of us
  • Pray that our relationships with God and each other would grow through this trip

For additional details see The Scribe below
