The Scribe – July 2024

From Pastor Ken

Half Sabbatical
I will be taking a half sabbatical from July 4 through August 13. I have arranged for a good group of pastors to fill in for me.

July 7 – Inside – Melinda Jones – St. Luke’s, Colorado Springs
July 14 – Outdoor – Phil Reimers – Evergreen, Colorado
July 21 – Inside – Andrew Koetsier – Youth Mission Report
July 28 – Outdoor – Allan Oman – Las Cruces, New Mexico
August 4 – Inside – Marv Combs – NALC Area Bishop’s Assistant
August 11 – Outdoor – David Breidenbach – SONetwork, New Mexico
During this time if you are in need of pastoral care, contact the church office, (719) 495-2221, and we will put you in contact with one of several qualified people.

New Online Directory We are pleased to announce the launch of the new BFLC Jubilee Online Member Directory!
It’s development has been in the works for nearly five years. It has been built from the ground up by the NALCNetwork along with BFLC and three other churches in the NALC. We’re happy to report BFLC will be the first to launch! It has been built with the utmost of security in mind and only members with an email address in the system will be able to access the directory. Be sure to check your email Inbox after June 28th. An email with the log-in link will be sent to your email address. When logging in you will be asked to enter your email address and a secure link will be sent to your email Inbox. Once you click on the link you’ll be asked to confirm your email address. If you did not receive an email be sure to check your Spam folder. See page 4 for more details.

Vacation Bible School/Day Camp – July 22 through 26. See page 2 for details.

The NALC Mission Convocation is online this year, Friday, August 9 from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Go to Interested in being our delegates? Contact: Lisa Regennitter.

We now have 25 people signed up for this two year, read through the Bible, study. We’ll meet each Tuesday at 6:30 PM beginning on Sept 10. Plan on taking 20 minutes per day for reading and reflection. Cost of materials is $110 for 60 sessions. This includes 6 manuals, 6 student workbooks and a biblical timeline. Signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the Narthex.

From Andrew Koetsier, Youth and Family Ministries Director

Greetings BFLC Family!
Thank you everyone for praying for our Youth Denver Mission Trip this past month. We had a blessed week serving in Denver with Brother’s Redevelopment (painting a veteran’s home), Arc Thrift Store (sorting and organizing clothes donations), and The Action Center (food and clothes distribution). We were reminded of how blessed we are and blessed to be a blessing to those in need. We look forward to sharing more about our trip on Sunday morning, July 21. Hope you can join us!

This month, we are especially looking forward to VBS. Personally, I have fond memories of going to VBS and the opportunity it presents for kids to know and love Jesus more. For some kids who come, it may be their first time hearing the gospel! We are thankful yet again to have counselors from Rainbow Trail coming down to lead the camp, but we still need your help. Please sign up to serve as you are able.

VBS week presents a unique opportunity for our church family to reflect Jesus in the way we serve and play with the kids who God brings to us. I sincerely hope your family makes it a priority to come (whether participating or serving) and would encourage you to invite at least one other child or family to come as well. 

The theme of the week is “Created To Be” with a special focus on Psalm 139. We look forward to learning about the purposes God has created us for and be reminded of His great love.

In His Grace,
Andrew Koetsier

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
-Psalm 139:13- 14

Upcoming Activities
-Wednesday, July 3, 6:00-8:00 PM: Youth Group Mini Golf & Ice Cream Night
-Sunday, July 21: Denver Youth Mission Trip Report in Sunday Morning Service
-July 21-26- VBS/Day Camp (Pre-K-Elementary) and Night (Middle School/High School) Camps 
-Wednesday, July 31- Elitch Gardens Day (Denver)
-Sunday, August 11- Colorado Rockies Faith Day 2024: Rockies-Braves and Zach Williams Concert

For additional details and stories download the Scribe below.
